Forty-three panel mosaic of exposures taken by Rajiv Gupta, copyright © 2021
Auriga Imaging.
The image spans
the richest 200 square degrees in the entire night sky,
from the dark Coalsack Nebula at the left to the magnificent Eta Carinae Nebula at the right, with
the bright stars of the Southern Cross and countless
star clusters and other dark and bright nebulae between.
See technical information on
how RegiStar’s bulk preprocessing and processing commands were used.
The displayed .jpg image is 5000 x 2000 pixels, 2.5 MB. Your browser resamples it to fit it
within the frame. Click on it to view it in a separate zoomable tab. You can also view a
higher-resolution version:
15K x 6K (29.5 MB);
30K x 12K (89.2 MB).
The 30K version is almost eight
4K displays wide when viewed at full resolution, with the smallest stars two pixels wide.
RegiStar identifies about 6.0 million stars in
the original 50K-wide TIFF image and 4.8 million even in the 30K JPEG version.
You can also download the image using the button below
and open it using a photo program, which will likely provide better viewing than your browser.
Scrolling in full-screen mode with Windows Photos using keyboard arrow keys
is one way to navigate a large downloaded version;
right-click and select “View actual size” for full resolution.