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Downloading 32-bit RegiStar

Like all image-processing programs, RegiStar manipulates a large amount of data. The 64-bit version can access a much larger amount of image data than the 32-bit version and is much less likely to exhaust your computer’s available memory. You should use 32-bit RegiStar only if your computer has a 32-bit operating system. The vast majority of computers have a 64-bit operating system. You can verify that your computer has a 64-bit operating system by going to Windows Settings > System > About or Control Panel > System.

Both the 32-bit and 64-bit installation files have been analyzed by Microsoft Security Intelligence and declared to be malware free. However, because of its low prevalence the 32-bit installer can still generate Windows security blocks when it is downloaded or run. To override them, select “...”, “Show more”, “More info”, “Options”, or “Actions”, and then “Keep”, “Keep anyway”, or “Run anyway”, or something similar. See Auriga Imaging Policies for more information about RegiStar security provisions.

Return to the Download page to download and install RegiStar.

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